HIIEKO celebrates its 30th anniversary with a brand refresh

AS Hiieko, based on Estonian capital, celebrates its 30th year of operation this year. Today, several new areas of activity have been added to HVAC works. Since, in addition to ventilation, cooling and heating systems, smart building climate systems are being developed and the business of building solar parks has been entered, the Hiieko brand got a new face.

“Hiieko is known on the construction market as a reliable contractor – we started with ventilation, today our team can offer top-level automation solutions and capture energy from the sun,” says AS Hiieko board member Hendrik Pass. “We have grown into a company that designs, builds and maintains complete technical systems. That’s why we renewed our brand and became Hiieko Tech Systems,” he explains. The fresh visual identity of the Hiieko brand was developed by the advertising and design agency Taifuun.

HIIEKO Tech Systems logo

Hiieko was born in 1994, when Urmas Hiie and Küllike Lilienberg founded the company Hiie & Co. From the initial seller of central vacuum cleaners, the company grew into one of the largest ventilation installers in Estonia.

In 2008, the company’s Tartu department began its operations. In 2020, a subsidiary, Hiieko Romania SRL, was established to develop industrial solar parks and storage facilities.

Over the course of 30 years, AS Hiieko has built special systems for several landmark buildings, which it has often maintained itself over the years. The company currently serves more than 200 maintenance clients.

“Every year, we have taken on new, sometimes crazy challenges, and thanks to that we have developed both as people and as an organization. For this, I want to sincerely thank our employees and customers, with whom we have had a very busy and trusting cooperation”, says Rain Kalamees, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of AS Hiieko. “We want to be a responsible, innovative and effective full-service solutions partner for the next 30 years.”