In 1997, AS HIIEKO was the first construction company in Estonia to receive the ISO 9002 certificate. Today, our operations meet the standards of both the quality management system ISO 9001:2015 and the environmental management system ISO 14001:2015.
On the one hand, it gives developers and contractors the conviction that the engineering, construction and maintenance service provided by Hiieko is of top quality and environmentally friendly. On the other hand, our inner desire is to build our processes in such a way that their control and improvement takes place on an ongoing basis and we always provide the promised quality.
While meeting ISO quality management requirements is already a historical practice for us, applying for an environmental management certificate at the end of 2023 gave us a good reason to review all the environmental impacts of our service. Hiieko cares about the environment and our goal is to ensure responsible operation and compliance with environmental protection requirements through internal agreements. The customer using our service can be sure that the waste generated from the activity will be properly sorted and handled both on site and in our warehouse and office.

What do quality certificates mean?
The international management standard ISO 9001 establishes the requirements for the quality management system. It is a process-based approach that covers all company activities, from management to the production, and shows that the certified organization adheres to high standards of quality management.
ISO 14001 is an international standard that establishes environmental management system requirements and helps organizations effectively manage environmental aspects and risks. The certificate given to Hiieko shows that the organization follows high environmental standards and tries to reduce its impact on the environment.
For both standards, the PDCA ring model is used for ongoing process improvement. The model represents the planning (P – plan), action (D – do), control (C – check) and correction (A – act) stages. Thus, processes are constantly evaluated and adjusted according to the feedback received. The certificate issued to Hiieko proves that our management and work organization is organized through the PDCA circle.
What does the ISO certificate show to Hiieko’s customer?
Hiieko’s certification shows that the company complies with international standards and has received independent confirmation of this.
In the Estonian construction industry, few companies have implemented a quality management system that meets ISO standards, and only a few have an environmental management certificate. We are proud that Hiieko has the opportunity to offer its customers officially certified quality.